Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ouija boards hazardous to your health?

So there is a bit of debate going on in the campus paranormal club. The newest member, who for purposes of respectful anonymity I'll call "Newbie", conducted his first ever Ouija board reading with a few friends late last week.

The reading wasn't nearly as successful (though I suppose that depends on your definition of success) as he had hoped. During the encounter, he maintains that he was possessed or influenced by some sort of energy or entity. Since that time he has had trouble concentrating, finds no joy in activities he once loved and has flashes of odd premonition. "I feel like I can foresee things maybe half a second before they happen", he told members of his group.

Some are concerned this is indicative of stress or the like, and recommended he take a more typical approach to dealing with these feelings; but some members of the club, and Newbie himself, maintain that this is, indeed, the work of spiritual activity. His take on the matter was, "I wonder what else these powers can do for me, and what the cost of using them is?"

Remember, friends don't let friends OD on "The Ouij".

Caption: My rendition of a possible label for government oversight of Ouija boards.


Anonymous said...

I've been, as the kids call it "ouija-ing" since the 2nd grade, and have not experienced any substantial adverse side-effects.

I mean, occasionally I enter a comatose state, start fore-seeing the end of the world, or begin speaking in tongues....but other than that, nothing.

Ashley Lauze said...

The last time I used a ouija board, I could almost swear the girl I was using it with was the one who was moving it around. I maintain that there's some type of magnetic device in there.
And, as for "Newbie"...the comments he made about his 'powers' make it sound like he's faking it and just wants some attention...sorry :(

Kelly said...

I can honestly say that i have never used a Ouija board, but i think it would be an interesting thing to try.

As far as the kid in this story though i agree that some of the kids may take it a little to seriously.

Jeremy said...

Yeah, they either take it very seriously or are having some fun hamming it up for the external observers. From what I've seen it's more likely the former, too.

Sami said...

HA I love it. This is definitely the best beat to have a blog on. I do believe in ghosts though. I'm a creep. Where do I sign up? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love this blog, I think it is really interesting and before you started doing this beat I didn't even know that there was a paranormal investigations club!
As for the Ouija board...I was always more of a S'eance kind of girl. My friends and I used to light candles in the cemetery and try to talk to who ever was there!
Maybe I should join this club?!